Awakening From Alzheimers Regain Your Brain

Alzheimer's at
1st series: 190921RegainYourBrainAwakeningFromAlzheimers/notes.php

2nd series: 191009TheScienceOfAlzheimersPrevention/notes.php
3rd verse: 191000BuildingAConsensusOnBrainHealth/notes.php

The website:
The website:

21SEP19,..., 02OCT19; replay weekend: 04,05,06OCT19

Program of events (12 day outline): click here

My session notes:

notes - 02OCT19_day12_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: PeggySarlin.png...
21SEP19: Episode 1, Ptoducer Lee Euler & interviewer Peggy Sarlin: the First Groundbreaking Episode, Getting Started - The Master Plan to Reverse Memory Loss & Regain Your Brain

notes - 21SEP19_day1_notes.txt
view full size photograph, click on link: PeggySarlin.png...
22SEP19: Episode 2, Dr. Dale Bredesen: proves Alzheimer's is a reversible disease with the "Silver Buckshot" Protocol, Identifying and Reversing the 3 Primary Forms of Dementia

notes - 22SEP19_day2_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: DrDanielAmen.png...
23SEP19: Episode 3, Dr. Daniel Amen: tells about the healthiest brain habits

notes - 23SEP19_day3_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: DrMichaelBreus.png...
24SEP19: Episode 4, Dr. Michael Breus (photo): tells how to maximize your memory by getting a good night's sleep

notes - 24SEP19_day4_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: DrMaryKayRoss.png...
25SEP19: Episode 5, Dr. Mary Kay Ross: specializes in toxins, Alzheimer's dementia and memory loss

notes - 25SEP19_day5_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: DrPamelaWartianSmith.png...
26SEP19: Episode 6, Pamela Wartian Smith, M.D., M.P.H.: is the author of What You Must Know About Memory Loss and How You Can Stop It.

notes - 26SEP19_day6_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: DrMaryNewport.png...
27SEP19: Episode 7, Dr. Mary Newport: on utilizing a ketogenic "superfood" - on a very personal level

notes - 27SEP19_day7_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: DrJosephMaroon.png...
28SEP19: Episode 8, Dr. Joseph Maroon: (a neuro seergeon, a nutritionist, an iron-man athlete)
"Overwhelmed, Overworked, and Overstressed: Preserving the Body & Mind"

notes - 28SEP19_day8_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: DrNormanDoidge.png...
29SEP19: Episode 9, Dr. Norman Doidge: on Neuroplasticity

notes - 29SEP19_day9_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: DrJacobTeitelbaum.png...
30SEP19: Episode 10, Dr. Teitelbaum: brain tune-up, and...

notes - 30SEP19_day10_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: DrShariCaplan.png...
30SEP19: Episode 10, ... Dr. Caplan (photo): protocols

notes - 30SEP19_day10_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: DrDavidPerlmutter.png...
01OCT19: Episode 11, Dr. David Perlmutteron: how to give your brain a second chance to be better

notes - 01OCT19_day11_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: DrMichaelFossel.png...
02OCT19: Episode 12,Dr. Michael Fossel: developed a new approach that he thinks will reverse, and even cure Alzheimer's

notes - 02OCT19_day12_notes.txt

view full size photograph, click on link: DSC_0450_clear_bg.png...
21OCT19: Epilogue, Raz: accumulated action items

notes - 21OCT19_notes.txt