RL & Dorothy Holder photo archives
RL Holder, born in February 1922 to Cy & Louise Holder 2 years after his brother Ray, was 10 years old when the great depression hit.
Hard times for everyone yet he and his brother studied hard and both went to Oklahoma University. RL married a damn Yankee, Dorothy Shanks,
and enlisted in the U.S. Army during WW II, went to O.C.S. and trained as an artillery officer and was shipped off to Europe, however,
by the time he and his big guns arrived the Germans were retreating and their line was falling back faster than the big guns which
traveled by rail could keep up and he never got close enough to fire, but, he was stationed in Germany for 3 years. Dorothy and 9 month
old Russell joined him and traveled all over Europe in RL's 1937 Oldsmobile (rank has its privileges). After the war RL accepted a job offer from Westinghouse
Electric Corporation where he worked mostly in Houston until he retired as a sales engineer with exception of a year of active duty at Fort Sill in
Lawton Oklahoma in 1952 as a captain training young artillery officers. Westinghouse sales also had its privileges - a company car,
company hunting leases and deep sea fishing trips. Dorothy returned to college when Russell started high school and became a teacher in
the public high school system in Houston. RL's grandfather was a Pentecostal minister, and, following in the family's
religious footsteps he was an active member of First Presbyterian Church in Houston serving as a deacon and as an elder for many
years and occasionally serving as a minister for small Presbyterian churches in need. RL and Dorothy's college education was an
inspiration to both their children, Russell and Pamela both of whom earned college degrees yielding successful careers in the
computer industry.
Obituary for RL Holder, 12FEB22 - 10FEB15: click here
Obituary for Dorothy Holder, 15SEP24 - 15JAN15: click here
Categories of Photographs
- The RL & Dorothy photograph albums, viz., the photo albums that dad created to store their memories and most recently resided in the top right hand cabinet adjacent
to the bar in the den. Each of these albums were labled with the year of the photographs contained therein and the albums spanned the 1940's through the
2000's. These albums' photographs are accessable via links below on this page.
- The Cy & Louise Holder collection spanning the 1800's to the 2000's, viz.,
a collection of photographs and documents that I believe were Granpa and Granma Holder's accumulation in a Foley's Houston box. Some were really old and not marked and so were
of persons unidentifiable by me. The box also contained many documents (grade school report cards, certificates, etc., the preservation of which may be
performed some time in the future. In the mean time, the photographs scanned may be viewed here.
- The Earl & Marie Shanks collection spanning the ????'s to the ????'s, viz.,
a collection of photographs that I believe were Granpa and Granma Shanks's photos accumulated in a John A Brown Co box. Some photos were not marked and so were
of persons unidentifiable by me. In the mean time, the scanning of the photographs is a work in progress which may, or may not, be viewed
- The RL & Dorothy collection of photographs spanning the ????'s to the ????'s, viz.,
a collection of photographs that I believe were mom and dad's overflow photos accumulated in a Joskes box. Some photos were not marked and so were
of persons unidentifiable by me. In the mean time, the scanning of the photographs is a work in progress which may, or may not, be viewed
- The RL & Dorothy slide collection spanning the ????'s to the ????'s, viz.,
a collection of photographs in slide format. The digitizing of the slidess is a future work in progress which may, or may not, be viewed
- The RL & Dorothy movie collection spanning the ????'s to the ????'s, viz.,
a collection of motion pictures in 8mm format. The digitizing of the movies is a future work in progress which may, or may not, be viewed
Most scans were performed at 1200dpi
Scans performed at 1200dpi produce images that are HUGE and depending on your browser may not be displayable, but, you could still
right-click/save-link-as to your computer for to viewing or printing; having trouble viewing or downloading the HUGE image... email
me... russellholder@earthlink.net
photo album #00 - some of RL & Dorothy's favorite photos
photo album #01 - NOV 40 / DEC 45
photo album #01, next to beginning section
photo album #01, middle section
photo album #01, next to last section
photo album #01, last section
photo album #01, last section tail
photo album #01, found later
photo album Bavaria Sketch Book - JAN 46 ? DEC 49
photo album #02 - JAN 46 / DEC 49
photo album #02, middle section
photo album #02, last section
photo album #03
Album #4 is huge and needs to be split up...
photo album #04
photo album #05 - Dorothy & RL Jan 1950 DEC 1953, pages 01,...,14
photo album #05, pages 15,...,28
photo album #05, pages 29,...,36
photo album #05, Special Grouping: Mother/Dad H., pages 37,...,42
photo album #05, Special Grouping: Ray/Honey, pages 43,...,48
Album #5, Special Grouping: Dick/Jane needs to be split up...
photo album #05, Special Grouping: Dick/Jane, pages 49,...,64
photo album #05, Special Grouping: Russ Jr from birth, pages 65,...,78
photo album #05, Special Grouping: Russ Jr from birth, continued, pages 79,...,90
photo album #05, Loose stuff in the back of the album, page 91
photo album #06
Album #6 scanning not yet started...
photo album #07
photo album #08
photo album #09
. . .
photo album #70 - RLH Albums, Early to mid-1970's
photo album #70, Cy Holder
photo album #70, Hanna family
photo album #70, Pamela Rene Freed
photo album #70, Russell Lee Holder, Jr
photo album #75 - RLH Albums, Mid to late 1970's
photo album #75, Group 1
photo album #75, Group 2
photo album #75, Group 3
photo album #80 - RLH Albums, Early to mid 1980's
photo album #80, Group 1
photo album #80, Group 2
photo album #80, Group 3
photo album #85 - RLH Albums, Mid to late 1980's
photo album #85, Group 1
photo album #85, Group 2
photo album #90 - RLH Albums, Early to mid 1990's
photo album #90, Group 1
photo album #90, Group 2
photo album #90, Group 3
photo album #95 - RLH Albums, Mid to late 1990's
photo album #95, Group 1
photo album #95, Group 2
photo album #95, Group 3
photo album #2K - RLH Albums, Early to mid 2000's
photo album #2K, Group 1
photo album #2K, Group 2
photo album #2K, Group 3
. . .
photo album #2005
portraits album #00 - 1940 / 2004
portraits framed #01 - 1940 / 1969
portraits framed #01 incomplete... commenting still in progress...
Old Spice box full of pictures
Foleys Houston box full of pictures
Foleys Houston box of pictures incomplete... commenting still in progress...
John A Brown Co box full of pictures
John A Brown Co box of pictures incomplete... scdanning in progress...
Joske's Houston box full of pictures from 1930's, 40's and 50's
View pictures from 1930's and 40's
View pictures from 1950's
Joske's Houston box of pictures incomplete... scanning in progress...
hunting album #00 - 1969 / 19xx, pages 01,...,20
hunting album #00 - 1969 / 19xx, pages 21,...,40
hunting album #00 - 1969 / 19xx, pages 41,...,60
hunting album #00 - 1969 / 19xx, pages 61,...,86
hunting album #01 - 19xx / 19xx, pages 01,...,06
hunting album #01 - 1969 / 19xx, pages 06,...,11
hunting album #01 - 1969 / 19xx, pages 12,...,12
hunting album #01 - 1969 / 19xx, pages 13,...,18
hunting album #01 - 1969 / 19xx, pages 19,...,24
hunting album #01 - 1969 / 2001, pages 25,...,26
hunting album #02 - 1986 / 19xx, pages 01,...,06
hunting album #02 - 1986 / 2001, pages 09,...,11