(3) Day 17 [13MAR16/SUN] Daytona Beach FL to Key West FL by Sharon w/Cannon...(75of375of473)...
... woke at 7:30 to the sounds of bikes leaving, shower/coffee, pack, go downstairs for breakfast, load the Jeep, getting gas around
the corner at 9:45an |
... we're rolling now... going south on I95... |
... looks like a bad case of roadrash coming up... |
... reckon there are puppies on board?... |
... nice castings in the sound wall... |
... where's the pink panther take his garbage? ta-da-dump ta-da-dump ta-da-dump-dump-dump... |
... more castings in the sound wall... |
Day 17 [13MAR16/SUN] Daytona Beach FL to Key West FL Selected photos
Photos by Rusl w/Nikon, 2 pages w/74 photos/page: 1, 2
Photos by Sharon w/Cannon, 5 pages w/75 photos/page: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
NEXT: Day 18 [14MAR16/MON] Key West FL...