The website: Replay weekend October 4-6 Session notes 21SEP19: Episode 1, PeggySarlin (photo): the First Groundbreaking Episode notes - missed it... will catch up in the re-run... 22SEP19: Episode 2, Dr. Bredesen (photo): proves Alzheimer’s is a reversible disease notes - missed it... will catch up in the re-run... 23SEP19: Episode 3, Dr. Daniel Amen (photo): tells about the healthiest brain habits notes - 23SEP19_day3_notes.txt 24SEP19: Episode 4, Dr. Michael Breus (photo): tells how to maximize your memory by getting a good night’s sleep notes - 24SEP19_day4_notes.txt 25SEP19: Episode 5, Dr. Mary Kay Ross (photo): specializes in toxins, Alzheimer’s dementia and memory loss notes - 25SEP19_day5_notes.txt 26SEP19: Episode 6, Pamela Wartian Smith, M.D., M.P.H. (photo): is the author of What You Must Know About Memory Loss and How You Can Stop It. notes - 26SEP19_day6_notes.txt 27SEP19: Episode 7, Dr. Mary Newport (photo): on utilizing a ketogenic "superfood" - on a very personal level notes - 27SEP19_day7_notes.txt 28SEP19: Episode 8, Dr. Joseph Maroon (photo): (a neuro seergeon, a nutritionist, an iron-man athlete) "Overwhelmed, Overworked, and Overstressed: Preserving the Body & Mind" notes - 28SEP19_day8_notes.txt 29SEP19: Episode 9, Dr. Norman Doidge (photo): on Neuroplasticity notes - 29SEP19_day9_notes.txt 30SEP19: Episode 10, Dr. Teitelbaum (photo): brain tune-up, and... Dr. Caplan (photo): protocols notes - 30SEP19_day10_notes.txt 01OCT19: Episode 11, Dr. David Perlmutteron (photo):: how to give your brain a second chance to be better notes - 01OCT19_day11_notes.txt 02OCT19: Episode 12,Dr. Michael Fossel (photo) developed a new approach that he thinks will reverse, and even cure Alzheimer's notes - 02OCT19_day12_notes.txt |