Right knee history:
During 2014 I was experiencing a lot of pain in my knees, in particular, in my left knee. On September 10th 2014
weight bearing X-rays taken of my knees (see image in the link below) revealed no gap between femur and tibia on
left knee (there s/b a gap), and, notice whitening of bones where they wee touching (because they had been beating
on each other for a while). The doctor said I needed a total knee joint replacement on my left knee, and, my right
knee was also bad and I would know how soon I wanted it replaced after getting the left knee replaced, I said not
yet - I had found Aleve pain medication, he said call him when Aleve didn't work anymore. Aleve was helped with the
pain in my left knee for a while before becoming unable to walk and on March 17, 2015 the total right knee joint
was replaced at Sutter Davis Hospital.
left knee replacement documentation:
So, I was also told in 2014 that I would need to have my right knee replaced soon after having my left knee replaced.
My weight was approaching 250 pounds and in 2016 I went on a diet and lost 65 pounds (down to 175 pounds) and the
weight loss gave my right knee a new lease on life... my right knee seemed to cease complaining for a while... but
my right knee has continued to get worse. When the pain level in my right knee rose to an uncomfortable level I commenced
taking Aleve again to subdue the pain and when Aleve no longer even took the edge off of the pain I was given a series
of hyaluronic acid shots in my knee which had no effect. The range of motion of my right leg has been diminishing and
now I can barely bend my right knee, and, I can not fully straighten my right knee, and, my right leg is no longer
"comfortable" in any position (bent, sort-of-straight, relaxed, flexed) and it keeps me awake at night.
06MAY19: I contacted Jyoti Saxena MD, my primary care physician, at Kaiser regarding a request for help with right knee
in order to regain functionality and continue to lead an active life style. Subsequently, on 23MAY19 X-rays were taken...
Weight bearing X-ray, 10SEP14, 04MAY15, 23MAY19 (click on X-ray to enlarge):
Right Sunrise X-ray, 10SEP14, 23MAY19 (click on X-ray to enlarge):
Left Sunrise X-ray, 10SEP14, 04MAY15 (click on X-ray to enlarge):
Right Lateral X-ray, 10SEP14, 23MAY19 (click on X-ray to enlarge):
Left Lateral X-ray, 10SEP14, 04MAY15 (click on X-ray to enlarge):
Legend X-ray, 23MAY19 (click to enlarge):
- "Post-OP Knee Arthroplasty"... "Post-OP"???... I don't think so...
Since then my right knee has continued to get worse. I am physically active, working out a couple hours 5 days a week to
build more muscle mass and to hopefully build supporting muscle mass to surround my right knee to put off surgery. I work
out with free weights (pushing iron), kinesis machines, do a 1 hour stretch class 2x/week, and attend a karate class
Monday & Wednesday nights and Friday and Saturday mornings (1st degree black belt); however pain has affected my exercising
for over a year now, especially in lunges, squats (2 legged and 1 legged), stances (horse stance and back stance), jumps,
kicks (right leg kicks actually seem to be OK, but right leg tends to collapse when the right leg must bear all my weight
while doing multiple sequential kicks with the left leg).
Furthermore, my right leg has atrophied:
Left thigh: 21&1/2" Left calf: 16"
Right thigh: 20&1/2" Right calf: 15&1/2"
Frequent sharp pain causes my knee to just collapse and there are moments when standing, walking, going up stairs, or
putting my leg down when coming to a stop on my motorcycle, a Harley-Davidson Hermitage Classic (weight approximately
750 punds plus me at 200 pounds and wife at 200 pounds for a total of about 950 pounds), when such a sharp pain
occurs... . and, there have been falls which are becomming aggrivatingly more frequent while walking or doing menial
tasks like picking up dog dodo, but, no dropping of the motorcycle yet... but... worried about the possibility of
dropping it.
I have put off surgery well beyond the point at which my left knee was operated on and the time is fast approaching when
I will no longer be able to walk. Unfortunately the REALLY GOOD surgeon who operated on my left knee is not a Kiser
surgeon but I have researched a Kiser surgeon recommended by my karate instructor who has had both knees replaced, and
several others, and I would consider any additional recommendation(s).
13JUN19: appointment with Primary Care Physician, referral to Bradley Cullen, MD sent to the orthopedic surgeon department
- Aaron Bradley Cullen, MD *** 16yrs
Morse total knee and total hip replacements contributing to patients'
return to function after progression of arthritis Accepting new patients;
available by referral only;
another reference.
About Bradley Cullen, MD:
- My practice philosophy is centered around patient education. An understanding of what is wrong and how we are going to fix it helps maximize your contribution to our treatment plan.
- I am an orthopedic surgeon specializing in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. My interests include the surgical treatment of arthritis,
including total knee and total hip replacements, sports injuries of the shoulder and knee, and trauma. I chose this field because I understand the
importance of maintaining our activity and athleticism. I enjoy contributing to my patients' return to function after either injury or progression of arthritis.
- I was born and raised in Quincy, California - a small town in the Sierras. After completing my undergraduate training at California State University
- Chico, it was time to broaden my horizons for my post-graduate training. I moved to Philadelphia, where I attended Temple University School of
Medicine earning a Masters degree, an MD, and a Ph.D. My research training was in physiology. We were studying Liquid Ventilation - having premature
infants breathe liquid instead of air. While this field was extremely fascinating, my true love was orthopedics. Then, it was back to Northern
California, where I completed my orthopedic surgery residency training at the U.C. Davis Medical Center.
13JUN19: Blood Test, results
ddmmm19: Arthritis Class, notes