Below are the last half of this days photos, viz., the Daytona Beach Boardwalk Bike Show and Main Street photos...
Wanna back up to see the first half of this days photos, viz., Bruce Rossmeyer's H-D and the Iron Horse Saloon photos?...w click here
(5) Day 15 [11MAR16/FRI] Daytona Beach Boardwalk Bike Show w/Stan and Leeda by Rusl w/Nikon...(70of561of850)... |
... 7-photo panoramic sequence... |
... and now without further adieu... on with the show... presenting now, the bikes of the
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
75th Anniversary Bike Week Daytona Beach Boardwalk Bike Show
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
... patriotic couple happy to be in Daytona... |
... nice bike... wonder what these two girls are talking about... |
... happy honey... this is HER bike in the show... we talked about her and Sharon's sthmorthners... told her I used to ride Sharon's
occasionally, but now that it's lowered it's no fun because it drags in the turns, and, she's blinged it out with rhinestones
on the speedo and gas cap and has a tank bra with "Princess" on it and I dont want to be getting gas for her and have some oversized
trucker ask "How's it going 'Princess'?" and... Sharon wants to have hers painted pearl white with pink and purple flames ......
This girl said her old man has the same problem but that he said if anyone commented on the fact that he was on a pink bike he'd draw
a line in the sand and say cross that line and pink is the last thing you will remember seeing." |
(6) Day 15 [11MAR16/FRI] Daytona Beach Boardwalk Bike Show w/Stan and Leeda continued... |
(7) Day 15 [11MAR16/FRI] Daytona Beach Boardwalk Bike Show w/Stan and Leeda continued... |
... sure I'll take your picture... now you take ours... thank you very much... |
... this looks like a good place to park my knuck and chain it to Stan's... |
... got this for you Bo, Steve, Dani... |
... like my new paint job?... yeah... I know... bars are a little high... |
(8) Day 15 [11MAR16/FRI] Daytona Beach Main Street w/Stan and Leeda continued... |
... as if there weren't enough businesses on Main Street, vendors are in all the nooks and cranies... |
... right turn Clyde... this street will take us back to the Jeep... |
... hmmmmm... we leaving just in time???... |
... and pass by the speedway on the way to Inlet Harbor for din din... |
(9) Day 15 [11MAR16/FRI] Bruce Rossmeyer's,..., Inlet Harboe w/Stan and Leeda by Sharon w/Cannon...(36)... |
... at Bruce Rossmeyer's H-D w/S&L...
... at Iron Horse Saloon w/S&L... |
... at Daytona Beach Bdwk Bike Show w/S&L...
... at Dinner at Inlet Harbor w/S&L... |
(9) Day 15 [11MAR16/FRI] Daytona,..., Inlet Harbor w/Stan and Leeda by Sharon w/Phone...(36)... |
... Whoaaaaaah... there's some older photos here... |
Day 13 [09MAR16/WED] Wilson NC to Palm Coast... rollin down the road...
Day 14 [10MAR16/THU] Castillo de San Marcos... visitor center... there has been a request that Sharon send some photos of some hard bodies... |
Day 14 [10MAR16/THU]... leaving the fort and heading back to Palm Coast...
Day 14 [10MAR16/THU]... hey, there's the alligator farm we went to last time we were here... it's a good one... |
Day 15 [11MAR16/FRI] Bruce Rossmeyer's H-D w/S&L... Sharon's Grandma Coyle used to collect pink elephants (probably had something to do with
her grandma's affinity for libation, and when Sharon came across a pink elephant she used to buy it for her grandma, Sharon still has the
thought of buying her grandma a pink elephant when she comes across one... this photo in honor of Sharon's grandma... |
... oh... here's some thighs for Rusl... |
... oh... here's some cheeks for Rusl... |
... tie-died hair to go with her tie-died T-shirt... |
... Inlet Harbor on Inlet Harbor Road in Ponce Inlet FL for dinner...
... alligator appetizers... |
Some of the bunch of stuff from the various souvineer shops, gift shops, vendors... |
Rossmeyer HD
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Bike Week
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Feel the
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Above are the last half of this days photos, viz., the Daytona Beach Boardwalk Bike Show and Main Street photos...
Wanna back up to see the first half of this days photos, viz., Bruce Rossmeyer's H-D and the Iron Horse Saloon photos?...w click here