~ the BBQ and the raffle ~ ~ viewing the sing-a-long crew ~ ~ the ride back to West Sac ~ ~ view the Raz report ~ |
following pictures submitted by RuslH; click on pictures to enlarge...
on a walk to the rest rooms we walked past the camp pavillion... and what was going on but folks singing along with a prompter... (in case they dint inow the words) and Mondo was up, and, heck if he wasn't so good that we just had to stop... Mondo doing an Elvis song... |
Mondo's dad... |
Mondo's uncle... |
Mondo and... |
a camper at large... |
Dani... |
Number One... |
another camper at large... |
happy birthday to you... |
Babydoll, a.k.a. Princess... |
meanwhile... back at camp... the party rages on... |
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