The truth... what is "the truth"?
There is the lawyer's truth: "the truth and nothing but the truth.
There is the judge's truth: "the truth and nothing but the truth, and, the whole truth.
So, what follows on this page... "It's the TRUTH" and to the best of my knowledge in a libel/slander case "The truth is the ONLY affirmative defense".

How could I forget Mike Lopez? On Jan 20, 2012 Mike said "I'm not doing this to you because I don't like you it's about the business". Ain't that one 20yrs out dated? On Jan 24, 2012 when I was "FIRED" he said just before I walked out the door for ever, "Guuud Luuck".

Let's not stop telling the TRUTH. Another is Jeff Teerlink DM Flt DZ. On Jan 23, 2012 he said "You're FIRED" and I walked out and he was laughing.