Howdy all you all,
The discussion and review with
some of my constituents of my
platform and policies that I will
support when I am elected has
illuminated a potential liability
problem with one of my economic
policies discussed in my
correspondence of 23OCT12, viz.:
"... up to and including 1 (one)
(possibly 2 (two)) FREE libation
ticket(s) redeemable with the
VFW bar keeper at the Christmas
Party. Furthermore, I would
support guests receiving a FREE
libation ticket redeemable with
the VFW bar keeper at general
meetings, and, possibly
expansion of this concept to
include sales of "happy hour"
libation tickets at a reduced
price redeemable with the VFW
bar keeper depending on club
The potential liability
problems that could be
incurred if the libation
tickets were traded to the
VFW bar keeper for an
alcoholic beverage are
Therefore, I would submit
instead, FREE dinner
tickets at the Christmas
Party redeemable with the
VFW Womens' Auxiliary.
Furthermore, I would
support guests receiving a
FREE dinner ticket
redeemable with the VFW
Womens' Auxiliary at a
subsequent general meeting,
and, possibly expansion of
this concept to include
sales of dinner tickets at
a reduced price redeemable
with the VFW Womens'
Auxiliary, depending on club