Howdy d out, et al,
"plenty of time on your hands"???...
I don't intentionally ride in the rain
[ - today is a rainy day - ]
anymore... well... I do if it is really
necessary and it hasn't been really
necessary lately... sooooooooooo...
I have been having some delirious
serious fun... that's what RCHR is
supposed to be about... NO BS!
"your very cool email list"... actually,
I cannot take credit for the "your very
cool email list"... the "your very cool
email list" was provided by your
illustrious dictator director in the
Sat, 6 Oct 2012 19:01:56 +0000 (UTC)
email with subject of "RCHR 2013
BOD\Officer Nominees"... soooooooo...
your thanks should have been directed
to your illustrious dictator director...
who knows... maybe the Membership
Officer provided the email list...
but... truth be known... I replied-to-all
on Rick Barba's reply-to-all of Fri, 19
Oct 2012 13:56:58 -0700... that's not
to say that I could not have generated
"your very cool email list"...
I certainly could have what with "plenty
of time on your hands"... but...
dint haf to...