are YOU looking at ME???

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~ 06DEC12 ~
23OCT12: My birth, education, tax, bank disclosures
If you don't like the way things are gong in the RCHR then CHANGE "IT"
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On 10/23/2012 4:02 PM, Gary Karl wrote: Can we see yer Birth certificate, yer College Transcripts and tax returns fer the last 52 years with statements from all off shore banks where you may have funds stashed ???
Howdy Gary, et al, I have nothing to hide. My heritage, my education and my wealth, meager as it is, are all an open book. Many have accused me of being older than dirt, but, it just aint so... but... I do remember the Grand Canyon when it was just a ditch. Regarding my birth - my birth occurred by said ditch and was recorded in stone near Stonehenge. Regarding college, after thirteen years in the work/study courses at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Az, the University of Houston in Houston, Tx, and the University of California at Santa Cruz, I earned written evaluations such as "Mr. Holder was the best in the class," and, following orals on my thesis, "A Computational Model for the Pigetian Task of Seriation," I graduated with honors. Tax returns - I have no problem revealing my tax history which began NOT 52 years ago, but, 58 years ago in 1956, and, which I have filed every year since; note: it's hard to get good help these days, asked sexytery to copy all my income tax returns and she darn near jammed my scanner, anyway, this is as good as it gets until I can find some not-so-blonde help. Did I mention that I am a vereran? This is all I have left... ... and I have since then also become an "trained" killer... ... and I have since then also become an "educated" killer... ... receiving multiple "Big Game Awards" from the National Rifle Association which I have on display in my office should you care to visit. Regarding off shore banks where you may have funds "stashed" - however, "stashed" does not really describe those monies, rather, lets think of those monies as "resting there just in case" - feel free to check them out yourself, the following is a list of the banks, the account numbers, and the passwords (please do not distribute this information): Banco Cuscatlán de Panamá, Panama - 0595-134386-756395 / 188170039155 Banque SCS Alliance, Bermuda - 45-34-28-11-95-64 / 650554762158 Banco do Estado de Sao Paulo, Cayman Island - 2-9325-0004-553 / 657672838267 Atlantic International Bank, Ltd, Belize - 393238-738916 / 094775169313 Barbados National Bank, Barbados - 633-0234-271-771 / 472839337235 Far Eastern Bank Limited, Singapore - 3A-692H-414F-5980N / 107252140489 Laurentian Bank & Trust Company Limited, Bahamas - 9803-5859-4466 / 365854903152 Barrington Bank, Antigua - 3-71-367-646-99-3 / 162283011488 ... however the bulk of the money is in an underground bunker hidden under the back yard pool, and, some lesser amounts in coffee cans buried in the back yard - it's all documented in the Red Tail Diaries... I should probably also mention that I am one of the four co-patent holders for the Aquastrada International Incorporated's ASOC (Amphibious Special Operations Craft), an amphibious vehicle, the full description and specifications of which are on my website, P/N5,590,617 [ full text ] - land motive device and a marine motive device. P/N5,570,653 [ full text ] - wheels are retracted and secured during marine operation. P/N5,562,066 [ full text ] - detection of sufficient thrust to... ... and a major stock holder in that corporation:
I sincerely hope 
this information 
illuminates my 
background and 
demonstrates that 
I am who I say 
I am.


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