On 10/23/2012 10:45 AM, RCHR Director 2012 Kris Olson wrote:
Is this your director nomination declination?
On the contrary...
My email is a "thank you" for the nomination...
(see text I bolded/underlined in RED for you below)...
and... a brief statement, i.e. WARNING, on my position...
(see text I bolded/underlined in RED for you below)...
and... my acceptance/plan if elected...
(see text I bolded/underlined in RED for you below)...
This may all seem tounge & cheek, or, hilarious, or whatever...
rest assured...
my email was sent in all seriousness!
On Tue, 23 Oct 2012 08:25:18 -0700, Russell Holder <russellholder@att.net> wrote:
Firstly let me say thanks for the nomination. I have outstanding credentials
for taking charge of such an organization:
1) Project leader in software development, including at Compaq Corp.
2) Scout, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Venture Adviser for many years
3) Beaded Wood Badge candidate (Adult Leadership Development)
4) Headed Youth Leadership Development courses
5) Trained Scout leaders, and trained Scout trainers
6) Trained in basic and advanced wilderness first aid
Secondly let me say that you should think of me as being similar to a "3rd
party candidate," and:
1) 3rd party candidates are never elected
2) 3rd party candidates only bring into focus controversial topics
3) 3rd party topics are rarely, if ever, implemented as conceived
4) Votes for a 3rd party candidate, IMHO, should be made for a major
Thirdly let me say that you really do not want to vote for me because I am of
the "former" organization, and, as a member of that "former" organization,
and, because I liked the way that organization was run and the kinds of
activities the former group had, and, being of that mindset, I would, as
director, make it my business to return the RCHR to that style of
1) Although being a member of HOG is not (currently) required, it would be
HIGHLY encouraged, even rewarded
2) Frivolous board meetings topics will be tabled (INDEFINITELY)
3) New Member rides of 100+/- miles would be held 1st weekend following EVERY
general meeting
4) The slowest rider would be in the 2nd rank on rides to avoid the leader
loosing the back half of the formation
5) The Progressive Dinner Ride would be brought back with long rides between
stops, NO games, NO competition and NO prizes - just riding and eating.
6) Camping trips would be encouraged to
- The Redwood Run
- Camp Komratto
- Crescent City
- San Simeon
- other coastal, lake, and mountain locations
7) Other semi-annual rides would be encouraged to
- River Boat Excursion Dinner Ride in Grants Pass
8) Money for website consulting fees would be instead used to subsidize RCHR
members and events, and, another member who offered to be webmester would be
9) Re-establishment of (some number (?) of) "Board Members At Large" (to
volunteer at board meetings to aid/assist board committee activities) |
Clearly the direction
RCHR has taken over
the last few years is
not within my vision
as a "founder," in
fact, the direction
RCHR has taken over
the last couple years
has given me cause to
consider not renewing
my membership. If
there is no room in
society for rebels
then there should be
no room on RCHR board
of directors for me
HOWEVER, although I
have maintained the
position of not
wanting to consider
being director due to
all the director
positions I have held
in the past, ***IF***
all you all INSIST on
electing me then I
will gladly make it my
goal to return the
RCHR to the founders'
original vision.
Thanks and
kind regards,
Russell Holder