are YOU looking at ME???

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~ 06DEC12 ~
11NOV12: my endorsement for Raz
If you don't like the way things are gong in the RCHR then CHANGE "IT"
VOTE 4 RAZ at the RCHR December 6 meeting !!!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: my endorsement for Raz
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2012 10:29:07 -0800
From: Sharon Holder <>
Howdy [DISTRIBUTION_LIST(i)] , No matter how much you support the Raz, no matter how much you support the smart policies he's proposing, keep this in mind: It won't amount to a hill of beans unless you dig deep and help him win this close race. Chip in $0.50 or more right now, before the last and most important fundraising deadline of this campaign: Also, you can show your support by ordering VOTE4RAZ gear (pocket protectors, T-Shirts, etc): Thanks for stepping up, Also don't forget to vote for me too! Princess PS: is this club fun or what?
On 11/12/2012 10:44 AM, M... wrote: This crap has gone on much to long. First it was the "novels" he sent everyone. Then it was getting the ... involved in our club business. And now they want us to send money? This is the straw that broke the camels back. HE IS NOT GOING TO GET MY VOTE!!!!! I do not want the ... coming and telling us how to run our club!!!!!! M...
On 11/12/2012 11:42 AM, Sharon Holder wrote: M..., I won't to tell you how to vote but let me get a couple of things straight all this has been in fun number one, even though he is serious about being director, second he did not get the ... involved he misspelled motorcyclist if you really look at it to make sure he didn't get them involved anymore than he actually had a blimp advertising for him all computer photoshop. And third if you click on any of the links for money they go nowhere, unlike our presidential candidates that rob us blind to get in office. Please lighten up and let the rest of us who still have a sense of humor enjoy his fun! Sharon
On 11/12/2012 12:02 PM, G... wrote: Howdy Marc, Please take it easy on this election stuff. Russell is just pulling a spoof on the politicians running for State/National officer right now. The ... thing was all just photoshopped... for fun. The last thing Russell wants is the ... getting into our club business. He does not want your money and is not selling Tee shirts, he is just haveig fun with the whole election thing. I believe that if more people in the club would lighten up a little bit it would be a lot more fun for everyone. Please don't get your blood preasure all worked up over this thing. Some of us are not in the "in crowd" with the club and will never be elected to anything. We are used to sitting at the back of the room and riding at the back of the line and have become accustomed to our 2nd class status no matter how hard we try to fit in, but we still have our sense of humor !!! G...
On 11/12/2012 6:03 PM, C... wrote: Thats why s... and i joined this club. Fun, laughs, friends, and fun. So i for one love it to life is too short to be mad and angry. Lets all just have some fun and good times..... C...

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