New Scout Program Plan

  1 C123
  2 4,13 
  3 C123
  4a C123
  4b 4,13 
  5 C123
  6 2,11 
  7 2,11 
  8 2,11 
  9 2,11 
11 3,12,C123 
13 SMc4
14 BoR5
1a 7,15 
1b 7,15 
2a On2
2b C123
2c C123
2d C123
2e C123
2f C123
2g 7,9,11,18
3 E1 
4 On2
5 C123
6b 8,C123
6c 8,C123
7a C123
7b C123
7c C123
8 On2
9 On2
10 SMc4
11 BoR5
1 7,15 
2 7,15 
3 On2
4a C123
4b 7,9,11,18
4c C123
4d C123
4e C123
5 10 
6 C123
7a C123
7b C123
7c C123
8a 4,13
8b 9,C123
8c 9,C123
8d 9,C123
9a C123
9b C123
9c C123
9d C123
10 On2
11 SMc4
12 BoR5
E1 2:3
2 N's&C's
3 K&U
4 2:3
5 T:6,T7,T8,T9
6 T:10a,T11
7 T:2,T4b,1:8a
8 COH6
9 T:12a,T12b
10 2:1a,2:1b,1:1,1:2
11 2:6a,2:6b,2:6c
12 1:8b,8c,8d
13 1:5
14 T:6,T7,T8,T9
15 T:10a,T11
16 T:2,T4b,1:8a
17 T:12a,T12b
18 2:1a,2:1b,1:1,1:2
19 COH6
20 T:12b
C123 T:1
C123 T:3
C123 T:4a
C123 T:5
C123 T:9b
C123 T:11
C123 T:12a,12b
C123 2:2b,2:2c
C123 2:6b,2:6c
C123 2:2d
C123 2:2e,2:2f
C123 2:5
C123 2:7
C123 1:4a,1:4c
C123 1:4d,1:4e
C123 1:6
C123 1:7a,1:7b
C123 1:7c
C123 1:8b,8c,8d
C123 1:9a,1:9b
C123 1:9a,1:9b
On2 2:2a
On2 2:4
On2 2:8
On2 2:9
On2 1:3
On2 1:10
SMc4 T:13
SMc4 2:10
SMc4 1:11
BoR5 T:14
BoR5 2:11
BoR5 1:12

  E1 - every week
  On2 - On going, e.g., demonstrate scout spirit
  C123 - each of 3 monthly weekend camping trips

      SMc4 - Scoutmasters' Conference
      BoR5 - Board of Review
      COH6 - Court of Honor

The "New Scout Program Plan" outlined here is a 20 week plan for new scouts to attain 1st Class rank within 6 months. An assumption is that new scout is an Arrow of Light reciepient, that is, he is already familiar with scouting and, in fact, probably earned the Scout rank as his foot hit the ground after stepping off of the cross over bridge. Note that it is OK if this plan is not completed within 6 months, the real aim is to get new scouts to 1st Class within their 1st year of scouting.

Also note that this is only a guide that the PLC can use in their planning meeting to be sure that all the requirements are covered for the "New Scouts." These meeting plans still need to be "fleshed out," for example with which patrol has opening, which patrols will sing which songs during opening, which patrol has clean-up, etc., and some of the meeting plans will need to be adjusted in order for the plans to merge with the troop calendar for things like Courts of Honor and camping trips.

Examine Week 1, . . . , Week 20 provided here, or, use the blank form to make your own plan. A Spring implementation of this plan would start Week 1 in the first week of February, and, Week 20 is completed in June - in time for the new Scouts to be proficient Scouts at summer scout camp (starting later may result in completion after summer scout camp).

First Week     Last Week     weekend camping     blank form     Overview     Cover Page     Spine Strip    
Scout's History     Scout & Tenderfoot Tracking Sheet     2nd Class Tracking Sheet     1st Class Tracking Sheet     1st Class Skills Test    

MBAC Training     Monterey Bay Area Council