Part of the area here we want to set the 40 foot sea container is gravel bordered with curb stone an with a bottle brush tree, all of which
needs to be removed and replaced with paving. We originally thought we would have blacktop matching the existing driveway laid, but, ALLLLL
the blacktop paving companies are booked out to spring!!! But, Lea Construction Inc
said they could pave the area with concrete color matched to the blacktop starting in about two weeks, check back on Monday, Pearl Harbor Day...
So, I began my preparation of the area by saving about 2 cubic yards of smooth gravel rocks by moving them (dog poop scooper into bucket)
to behind retaining wall on other side of the driveway, and, the curved curb stone around the bottle brush tree was moved behind the
retaining wall also, and, the curb stone by the ivy was moved to the driveway by the end of the deck, and, as for the curb stone by the driveway
that was set in concrete... it would be forfited.
Note: the bottle brush tree was not destroyed... Rob brought his wife by to see it, she liked it, so it has a new home...
Also, in the interum, the black plastic exposed by the removal of the rocks was sray painted
with "messages" from various people/inspectors.
Well, here in :no-hurry-Curry-County" the delayed completion of the paving contractor's current jobs, rain, a sick cement truck driver,
and a leaky radiator on a dump truck delayed starting until Wednesday, Decenber 16th...
... and... the plan on Friday the 18th is to do the "pour" on Wednesday the 23rd...
23DEC20/Wednesday: today is the day, it is sunny, and at 8am it all started...
... more soon as we approach completion...