Michelle Norris, co-founder of Paleofx: [25:15]
Day 8: Episode Eight with Dr. Patrick Gentempo
Michelle Norris, co-founder of Paleofx
- website:
- - - - - -
- Standard American Diet, aka, the SAD diet
- - weight up and down
- - - closet with everything from size 6 to size 12
- - went "Paleo"
- - - lost weight in 6 weeks and back in size 6
- Paleo diet...
- - based on primitive diet, diet of the hunters/gatherers and the way they did things
- - - eating whole foods (not processed foods)
- - - food companies capitalize on us by "bet you can't eat just one"
- - - processed foods require you to eat more and more and more
- - - "if it comes from a plant then eat it; if it is made in a plant then don't eat it"
- - remove sugar 1st
- - - had to switch from Dr.Pepper to soda w/o any sugar
- - remove glutin next
- - removing processed foods
- - removing grains
- - removing all the inflamatory things, e.g....
- - - sometimes eggs, sometimes dairy
- - - no soy or legumes
- - - glutin is probably the most inflamatory foods out there
- - - remove all these foods for 30 days, then add back in one at a time to see if inflamatory
- - eat zuddles (zuccini noodles), sweet potato noodles, butter nut squast noodles
- Pain...
- - if just have pain that you have come to ignore, may find it is all of a sudden gone
- - may have thought it was just part of getting older... that's a myth
- but... Paleo is not a diet... Paleo is lifestyle
- - 6 pillars of health:
- - - physical health
- - - mental health
- - - emotional health
- - - relational health
- - - financial health
- - - spiritual healh
- - if you donot have all the above then you cannot be truly healthy
- Books:
- - What is the Paleodiet, PALEO f(x)
- - - Reversing chronic disease
- - - Losing weight and getting fit
- - - Improving their athletic performance
- - - Optimizing their brain to achieve more at work, and
- - - Creating amazing relationships
Please could someone put the link to the entire episode 8?... got it... Thanks [2:11:52]
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