Well, after at least 15 years, our Sunsetter VISTA Awning was reaching the end of its life by the summer of 2019. The valance had been
showing signs of decomposition for the last year and now the actual awning was developing a hole by the front bar.
21JUL19: contacted Sunsetter to get a price for a new awning fabric and valance... $814.03... OUCH!... was thinking more like $200 or
maybe $300... need to think on this...
05AUG19: ordered #6906 Western Red acrylic fabric for Sunsetter Awning Vista manual model; cost, including main fabric and valence, tax
& shipping: $814.03... arrived in about 2wks around 19AUG19... sat in the entry for the next couple of months while the chief awning
worker had a total right knee replacement and recouperated...
20OCT19: time has come, remove end caps on the outer bar and remove valance... what a bitch... it really didn't want to come out but
main strength and awkwardness overcame the set screw that was preventing it from sliding out. The instructions in the "VISTA, Motorized
and PRO Fabric Replacement Instruction" manual by Sunsetter did mention removing the Phillips screws and end caps (Figure 3) from the outer bar,
...BUT neglected to say to also remove the allen set screw channel locks from the ends of the channels!!!
Well, those removed the outter
end of the awning slid out freely while the roll up end (with out channel locks) simultaneously easily slid out... with Dani's help, thank you very much.
Old fabric out, the new fabric went in easily, also with Dani's help, thank you very much. Left the channel locks out of the outer bar as there was welting
hanging out which was cut to just reach the end cap, then the end caps installed, the 15 years worth of dust wiped off of the outer bar
and folding arms, and TAA DAAAA...