scienceofprevention Day 2 Host: David Perlmutter, MD, Board-Certified Neurologist & #1 NYT Bestselling AuthorEPISODE 1 OCTOBER 10: Untangling Alzheimer’s - What’s Going Wrong now! - What is going wrong in the brain and, more importantly, why current medications do not work - Signs & symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease - The mechanisms that lead to the development of Alzheimer’s - The anatomy of how this disease develops in the brain, how thinking becomes impaired, and why understanding this process is so important - Which parts of the brain are affected by Alzheimer's, how drugs for this disease are supposed to work, and the reasons they don't - How we diagnose Alzheimer’s and the way this disease progresses over time ================== - current standard of care for alz - changes in the brain that accompany the development of alz - why med establishment has struggled to develop meaningful teatments - the need to develop a comprehensice plan for alz prevention ================== - risk factors for alz and tests for your risk for developing alz - how patients are diagnosed w/alz - review std of care & treatment options - cover the natural progression of alz - why mainstream medicine is reluctant to embrace the fact that alz is a prevenetable disease ================== - risk factors: - - diabedies; if you have type-2 diabedies then your risk more than doubles - - women are more likely than men to get alz by a ratio of 2:1 - - being overweight significantly increases the risk - - everybody is at risk; if you are 85years old then you have a 50% chance of getting alz - - 1 in 4 people carry genes that put you at risk - - major risk factors: - - - age, esp if over 65yrs old - - - female - - - diabedies or insulin resistance - - - if overweight but not diabetic, then inflamation could trigger alz - - major contributors to alz - - - insulin resistance & obesity, predibedies and type=2 diabedies - - singular most imp. risk factor - - - age, viz., biological age - - - - measurement of amount of damage your immune system has suffered - - hormones - - - women metabolize lipids & fats differently, glucose too - - alz affects patient and care givers; care giver's die 60% faster - labratory tests to determine risk: - - genetic: genetic tests w/the counceling of a health care provider - - metabolic: fasting blood sugar & fasting insulin level - - inflamation: C-reactive-Protine is an inflamation marker - alz diagnosis is multi-facited by a experienced team - - neuropsychological tests, cognitive memory executive function types of tests - - blood work - - sophisticated brain imaging studies - - - memory loss is prime idicator - - - - if forget keys, that's aging - - - - if forget what keys are for, that's a problem - - - - attention, language, words, names - - - - for women: can't multi-task - once diagnosed, therapy begins - - typically manages symptoms, but not the cure or slow disease progression itself, and may cause worsening more quickly - - std of care is that there is no std of care, i.e., get your affairs in order and good luck - - drugs: effect is minimal, make people worse aggressivly over time - - - none actually slow the disease - 36 things contribute to alz, so, a drug that attacks 1 thing leaves 35 things left to correct - alz begins w/subjective congitive impairment,... to mild cognitive imparinment, aka MCI - - MCI is somewhere btwn normal aging and dementia, a high risk condition for alz - - exercize can improve cognition - mainstream med wants solutions that can be patented in a drug, but, - - turns out life style solutions do work, but do NOT generate money for big pharma - - and these ideas aren't taught in medial school s0 not embrased by main stream med - preventable w/exercise, diet, lifestyle problems, managing stress, sleep, cardiometabolic risk factors - important to reduce riskk and prevent alz in the 1st place - - NEURO: Nugtrition, Exercise, Unwind or stress mgmt, Restorative sleep, Optimizing cognitive activity - modifyable risks: - - diet, super inflamatory in America - - lack of exercise is inf. - - stress is inf. - - not sleeping is inf. - - nutritionally defficient is inf. - - having toxins is inf. - - having bad gut microbiom is inf. - - correcting these lead to reduction of inf and healing of the brain - start nutrition correction and reduce risk by 50% - start exercise and reduce risk by 48% KF!