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Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score
for Joint Replacement Questionaire

~ 24JUL19 ~

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Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score for Joint Replacement Questionaire
For an upcoming appointment with AARON BRADLEY CULLEN MD on 09AUG2019 The following question concerns the amount of joint stiffness you have experienced during the last week in your knee. Stiffness is a sensation of restriction or slowness in the ease with which you move your knee joint - [none] [mild] [moderate] [severe] [extreme] - How severe is your knee stiffness after first wakening in the morning? mild What amount of knee pain have you experienced the last week during the following activities? - Twisting/pivoting on your knee severe - Straightening knee fully mild, well, as fully as it straightens - Going up or down stairs none, there are no stairs in my world - Standing upright mild, well, for 15 or 20 seconds, then must shift weight The following questions concern your physical function. By this we mean your ability to move around and to look after yourself. For each of the following activities please indicate the degree of difficulty you have experienced in the last week due to your knee. - Rising from sitting mild, daily do 2 legged squats& 1 legged squats - Bending to floor/pick up an object none, daily put nose to straightened leg knee MY QUESTIONS: none right now... KF!

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